
“You Know Nothing, Jon Snow”

My name is Sérgio Abreu, a communication designer that has spent many years dealing with pixels, color charts, and image editing software. Like Jon Snow, the Game of Thrones character, I know nothing… about wine. This is my quest.

Why wine from Portugal?

In Portugal, wine culture is spread everywhere. I was born in the Vinho Verde region, where wine production is still largely made at home and harvest days are among some of the most joyful and cherished memories.  I am (and probably many of you) always online, connected, dealing with digital products. Wine stands on the other opposite of that equation. Is a relatable, physical product that appeals to the senses, mainly smell and taste – things not present in the virtual world.  I’ve recently found out that reading and researching about wine has a positive, relaxing effect on my mood. Wine stories are all about the producers, their families, and heritage. It’s also about discovering new countries and regions and being surrounded by farmland and nature.   

Why in English?

There are many articles and information about Portuguese wine in English, still, most of them were written by foreigners or expats. I believe there’s space for a native to write about its own country and one of its most famous produces. It’s also a way for me to improve my writing skills in Shakespeare’s language and reach a wider audience.

Any questions or suggestions? Feel free to email me.

hello @ drinkportugal . net